There’s a lot of gamers within this sort of network. Especially at the peak of COVID.
What COVID did was isolate all of us. Many new online relationships were born due to COVID. A blessing in disguise in most cases!
The trouble was, many of you struggled to figure out what activities you can do together. How to have an online date / long distance date. The question came up lots! What are the best games for couples?
Well, firstly… it does really depend on your tastes. They are thousands of multiplayer / co-op games out there. We’ll list the more popular ones that keep getting mentioned when this topic comes up.
1) Minecraft
You’ve all see Minecraft. It’s been around since 2009. It’s amazing. Even the standard, no mods, no frills game. You can build a home together, fight mobs, build a farm together, tender to your animals, journey to the nether. You can be as creative as you like. The game doesn’t end either (if you don’t want it to).
Check some of the buildings out below. A cute 2 storey house, a modern home, or an amazing castle! Hours of fun can be had in Minecraft with your partner & friends.

2) Stardew Valley
One of the cutest games for couples. Keep an open mind with this one… yes, it’s a farming simulator! EXCITING, right?!!! You basically inherited a farm from your grandfather. It’s not in a good state.. in fact, there’s barely any farm there at all! Anyway, you craft, you mine, you’re an adventurer, you’re a dealer, and a friend. You can play this with up-to 4 friends. It’s an adorably, cute, adventuristic little game. You can explore together, complete quests. You can even get married and have babies!

3) Overcooked
A game that will most certainly test your relationship. Welcome to the chaotic world of trying to run a kitchen! A game where you will engage in lots of shouting, panic, laughs, and maybe swearing. A co-op cooking game where you run a kitchen. You might think that this sounds easy…. wait until you have dirty dishes, no meat in your burgers, raw food on the counters… who’s fault is that? Yours? Mine? “NO!, that was your job”!

There’s a bunch more games to be added to this list! The list will get updated