Hello There!
The new social DDLG community website for you! IYKYK!
It’s a safe, friendly place here. Privacy matters.
You can’t view this site unless you are registered and logged in. Which means everything is kept under the radar, away from public eyes.
Things you can do around here:
- Make DDLG friends with other like minded people.
- Create & join public or private groups.
- Discuss on the forums.
- Shop the latest DDLG products.
- Create your own store and sell your own.
- Chat.
- Verified Users.
- Watch cartoons & movies.
- Post status updates.
- Earn badges.
- + much more planned.
Share what’s on your mind. Post pictures, videos, polls. Interact with other users. Special widgets that help keep you informed with what’ going on.

Become a trusted, verified member. Earn badges and achievements. Add DDLG friends, message them. Is someone annoying you? Block them.
With the grouping system, you can create public or private groups. Set your own permissions. You can request to join other private groups. You can even send invites to your DDLG friends, asking them to join a group.